Memorials / Tributes

Teddy Bear Litzinger
I would sing this song to Teddy Bear several times a week. I do believe this is the last conscieous thing that he heard by his eyes moving and want to use this for his legacy:
I love you Teddy, oh yes I do. I love you Teddy and I’ll be true.
I love you Teddy I do, oh Teddy Bear Mommy loves you.
Rest in peace our little boy until we meet again.
Love Mommy and Daddy.

Charlotte Bellamy
I first discovered Charlotte on a website back in 2007, they post pictures and information on their available pets for adoption there for you to look at. Well I had a feeling about her and drove out to River Oaks where she was with a lady at a pet store there and was able to take her for a walk around the place and just fell in love with her. Once she was home with me it took her a week or so to figure out that she now had her own house. Charlotte was the most loving and sweet little girl I have ever known and she will forever be in my heart and on my mind. I’ll never forget the good times we had together and how she would gather my dirty shirts and shoes to sleep with them at night. I met my wife about a year or so after I adopted Charlotte and her and her daughter both helped me to give Charlotte the best life we could. I/we will miss our baby girl forever. Thank you Live Oak for your professionalism and the good work that you do.

Treavor’s Tale
By Lindsay R. Syler, DVM
Treavor came to me by way of the shelter while I was attending college. He had been there for more than 10 days and was set to be euthanized the next day. I couldn’t stand it…..his beaming eyes said “give me a chance.” Although the shelter told me he was 3 years old, we soon found out that he was more like 10 years.

A couple of years after rescuing him, a trip to his veterinarian’s office revealed a very slow heart rate and we were referred to Texas A&M where Treavor was diagnosed with a 3rd degree heart block and the decision was to install a pace maker to help give him a longer and better quality of life. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine that he would make it though a pace maker change 5 years later and several surgeries in between, but Treavor just kept on ticking. Granted, I am a veterinarian, and I see many happy, playful dogs every day, but my Treavor (a.k.a. “Mom’s Little Pimple”) was the absolute happiest dog ever. There wasn’t a moment that he was not wagging his tail and hopping around the house or the veterinary clinic greeting people with his cheerful bark, wagging tail, and sparkling eyes. Treavor just glowed. Treavor was about 17 when he finally passed away, but he lived for me and was there to comfort me through it all. I miss him every day and a tribute to him stands in a special case in my home to remind me daily of what true love and companionship with a pet is all about. Treavor, you were the best and I will always miss my little pimple. There may be other pets that I love down the road but there will never be one that compares to you in your happiness and your love of life and friendship.
Harpo Gilliam
AKC/UKC/Int. CH Wise Choice Juke Joint Harpo
John Keats wrote: ‘A thing of Beauty is a joy forever’. You were a joy to us from the minute you came to live with us. We quickly grew so close to each other. Caring for you was never “work”. You came to greet me every morning with a love offering – usually one of my slippers. We would spoon together in the floor while my coffee was brewing, and it felt as if we just melted into each other. I would listen to you breathe and cherish every soft breath. My love for you would wash over me and I thought my heart would burst.

I hurried through my day at work so I could get home to you. You would come out to get my little lunch cooler and did your dancing parade with it because you had a job you could do for me. Sometimes you and Eddie would be outside when I pulled into the driveway. I would look at you and my breath would catch in my throat at your beauty. You were my beloved shadow. You would leave a cool fan, or try to stay in a hot garage – just to be near me.
Although full of mischief, and sometimes quite a con artist, you never once gave me any trouble. You gave me everything you had, and I held nothing back from you. You made me indescribably happy and so very proud. You loved everything and everybody.
You were my once in a lifetime dog. My baby…my Beauty…my sweet angel. One day we will be together again.
I love you.
Iva Gilliam
I would like to share my story of my German Shepherd, Jake. He was my animal soul mate the short time that I had him for. He was always such a funny, silly boy. He had a lot of nick names. One was Doo Doo because when he was a puppy and we would go to the farm. He would carry around horse poos like they were balls to play with. I guess he thought that they were his personal balls that there was a never ending supply. Jake loved to swim and would litterely sit down in the lake and just stay there for awhile then jump up and run and jump trying to catch dragon flies. He was such a character. He survived Parvo at 4 1/2 months. And was very protective of me.

He was comical and loved being silly and taking the spot light. Jake would ask by looking up between me and my husband and would sing and turn circles to ask if he could go with us when we had to go somewhere. I would tell him, go ask daddy if you can go. And he would immediately run into the hallway and look up at his leash and then look at us as if saying I am ready to go. Jake loved and I mean LOVED to go for a ride. Even if it was around the block. He could even spell. When we would spell go he knew immediately what it meant. Jake absolutely loved my Grandson, Aiden. Jake and Aiden would play hide and go seek. Jake loved to find Aiden. He was very good at it too.He would bark and dance when he found Aiden hiding. When Aiden would come over I would tell Jake that his Aiden was coming over and Jake would get very happy and dance and bark and run to the front door and watch for Aiden.
He was a very particular dog in the manner of being comfortable in his own space on our bed at night. If you touched him, he would grunt and move or get off of the bed. He was a very loving boy towards other animals. We raised two baby squirrels that he took as his own little friends. Even though he would love to spot squirrels at the farm and try to catch them. We even adopted two cats that he immediately fell in love with. Also we acquired a Mini Schnauzer that he became quick best friends with. He was friends with a Chihuahua and Yorkie. He was so gentle around them as not to hurt them by accident. Jake was an all round wonderful companion and family member.

He lived his life to please others. He lived his life up until the day he passed away. He came in from barking and playing outside to hiding behind the couch and out of breath. I tried to get him up and when he finally did, he was walking very wobbly to the door. We took him to the vet hospital where they referred us to a better prepared hospital for Jake’s needs. There we found that Jake had cancer in his lungs and a tumor in his heart. The tumor had ruptured and blood had filled the sack surrounding his heart. Upon surgery to draw the fluid out, Jake went into cardiac arrest. Where he did not recover from. I could not have asked for better people to have handled Jake’s needs in the end. This was a great comfort as I know that Jake did not suffer in the end. My husband and I decided we wanted to have Jake ashes and that is where Live Oak Pet Services came in.

They were very professional and affordable as well. I was very touched at the personal note that they put in his urn box along with other memorable items. I shall treasure Jake’s remains always and they will be spread with my husband and I when we pass away. Jake was not just a dog, he was like a person trapped in a dogs body. I loved him more that I can explain in words. I would have given my life for him and he is truly missed everyday. My life is so much richer because I have had seven years with an Angel in a dogs form. RIP my love. Love Mommy and Daddy
Lisa and Bill Stockstill and Jake
I brought you home with your sister Febuary of 2001. You were babies.You were loved and cared for as our son.You were a typical curious little boy. When daddy would start the leaf blower, you would run up to him and chase the leaves. You loved going for rides. Espeacially in the lawn tractor trailer around the neighborhood. And when mommy would come home from a trip, you let everyone know that mommy was home, with your loud screams of excitement. You loved getting your teeth brushed. Good oral hygiene was important to you. You were sweet, caring, and thoughtful, Daddy’s copilot, Mommy’s Honey Boy, Our son Sake. We will love you always.
12-31-00 to 08-27-15

Sophie Nistetter
It is with a very heavy heart and deep sadness that we bid farewell to Sophie who unexpectedly crossed over the rainbow bridge on Saturday, August 15, 2015. Even while suffering from an aggressive form of cancer that had been developing unbeknownst to anyone, Sophie cheerfully carried out her duties as a Registered Therapy Dog at Memorial Hermann The Woodlands Hospital. Just five days prior to her passing Sophie participated in an interview with the Houston Chronicle featuring her work and services. The resulting article can be seen at:
Sophie not only brought comfort to hospital patients but also to staff and visitors as well. Her sweet disposition toward all who met her enabled them to look past their own problems and find happiness and comfort during each of her visits. Having logged nearly 1,000 hours of service, Sophie was loved by all who were blessed to know her or experience her unique ability to heal and bring comfort to those in need.
What a pleasure it was to watch the staff break into smiles and joyful cries of “Sophie!” when they saw her coming down the hospital halls. Sophie would toss her head like a frisky colt and all the space around her would become a warm and happy place. The magic that Sophie displayed had to be seen to be believed: the intense eye contact with seriously ill patients, her version of a hug where she would stand at someone’s bedside and lay her chin on their blanket, her amazing gentleness with children, or her unique connection with the learning challenged. She was an unconditional giver of love and I often watched as she exhausted herself giving her energy to whoever needed it.

Freedom Soaring Eagle
Freedom Soaring Eagle was born 07/07/2001 and passed away 02/19/2015. She and I trained for Search and Rescue and she loved to search. Even with some arthritis she would love to go on searches and I had to force her to retire at the age of 8 but she and I would still search for toys on my 3 acres and she loved it. When we had demonstrations of searching for the public all the kids after it was over would want to come and see her and she loved it and would shake their hands and do her Praise the Lord as I call it, where she sits ups and puts her front legs up in the air. She inspired me to save and rescue 3 other Rottweilers. She was and still is my heart dog and I miss her so very much but I feel her presence here still. In fact I feel she sent to me a dog that needed to be adopted. I had said to a friend when we were getting Freedom into her car to rush her to the Vet the day she passed that at my age I needed to find a smaller breed but I just can’t because of my love for the Rottweiler. Well in Kirby TX there was a half Basset Hound half Rottweiler. He looked just like a Rottweiler but with really really short legs, I knew right away that Freedom had sent that posting to me as I was not looking at all to get another dog as I still had 3 Rottweilers. But when I accidentally saw a posting of this little guy, his face looked so much like Freedom’s it took my breath away. I miss you, sweet baby Freedom, life without you is just not the same. When I am down something always happens to make me feel that you are around and it always helps me. Love Mom

March 10, 2016
Cooper, you were always the best boy. We couldn’t have asked for a boy so sweet but we are glad God sent you to us. You will be in our hearts until we are no more. Then we will be with you forever. Cooper be my good boy until we meet again. We love you, Mom and Dad

Billy Sanchez
My buddy, you had such a big heart and so much love to give, you are missed every day, you served as a K9 Dog for 8 years, then we all had the joy of being with you everyday and being loved by you. I know your at the Rainbow Bridge now and your laying out in the sun like you always used to love to do. I will see you again later on. I love you.
Truly a sweet heart, Never forgotten and always in my heart….
You are truly missed.
Billy Sanchez 2 K9